This will void your warranty! don’t do it unless you are totally confident in your ability to fix your own problems!
I did it with Jason’s permission when we were troubleshooting my dead space cell. It was just loose balancing plug wire in the end; nothing major.
once you cut off the shrink wrap, and you will find the battery wrapped in the plasticky yellow material (literally have no clue what it is…) With tape running along the sides.
The material is think and easy to cut, so when you are cutting off the shrink wrap you have to be careful not to cut to deep…
After you get off both layers of protection, and take out some foam from around the bms, you have a completely open battery.
Again, don’t be stupid by opening your battery, and then crying to Jason about it… just because I made this thread, does not make me responsible for you whatever you do to your battery.
In the pic above you can see the yellow stuff surrounding the battery- maybe someone knows what it might be… (I already took off the shrink wrap)
undo the screws, and you can see the BMS. don’t f*ing do it if you don’t need to!!!
bottom is covered too
Again, don’t take apart your $300 battery just for the hell of it- this thread idea was brought to my attention by someone (I said I was going to do it a long time ago, but just forgot) but I will delete it if people aren’t getting the right message…
It is like when ifixit tears down an iPhone in a youtube video: they aren’t telling you to do that to your iphone, but they are letting you know how it’s done and what could possily be a weak point. Just don’t abuse this knowledge or it’ll go away…
(but let’s be honest though: I’m pretty sure BlackBerries are the way to go- like no joke, blackberry makes some damn good phones now in days despite people thinking they are dead. All the pics you ever see me post were taken on my BlackBerry…sorry for the side rant #BlackBerryMasterRace)
Back to the task at hand: If your space cell has a problem, talk to Jason FIRST, and then, if he wants you to open it up, you do that after you have his permission… saying your battery broke AFTER you opened it up will get you no where…