18+ only Ouch! My Worse accident to date NSFW

I’ve always read through posts saying you should always use appropriate sized wheels on your longboard but I never did because I thought it wasn’t worth the extra money, I was racing my mate next to the beach and I hit a a gutter or pipe of something , I went from 15mph to 0 in a split second,

whats your worse accident ? video


You get the “SYF” Award of the day bro…:trophy:

Hope ur ok

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My worst accident was my first ride on my first build. I hit 30 mph, and blew out the esc. This caused the board to jerk, which threw me off. I tried to run it off, but it’s just not possible at 30 mph, So after maybe 5 steps, I tucked and rolled. But again, I was going too fast to tuck and roll, so while tucking and rolling, I was sliding on my arms and back.

All in all, I tore off a lot of skin and was in a lot of pain for weeks, as I was wearing just a t-shirt. Now I ride with hoodies almost always and gloves. I’ve fallen once or twice a lower speeds since then and I can get right back up without a scratch.


i rode motorbikes 400cc , drive cars , jumping mountain bicycle and speeding electric longboards . but while walking , i fell on my back , right wrist broke my slip fall . when i checked all , found my right wrist broke . all the dangers i am involved , and broke wrist from a daily walk .


I’ve had a couple close calls. Once going 33mph I hit some rough pavement that cause a lot of vibration which caused me to go into a wobble. I managed to ride it out but it took me off coarse do I was headed straight for a center line reflector. I thought that I would eat it but my front left wheel just hopped over it and started me wobbling again. I rode it out and was able to slow down b4 hitting the curb. I came away just a little shaken.


I think you turned walking into an xtreme sport! :laughing:


Oh man I hate how detailed that was! It happens to the best of us…

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The worst part is all the people watching lol


I was skating on my electric and came to a complete stop. Stepped full off my board, then slipped and fell. Luckily I was wearing all my protective gear. Otherwise it would have been a nasty fall. It often hits you when you least expected.


Thankfully I just got away with a chipped tooth haha

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Ouch , you kind of seem to forget the consequences of falling off while trying to impress the ladies

i broke my arm last year on a pebble because i was going too slow.


you all wanna se the broken wrist i had last year november ? you need an empty stomach to see it though . be warned .


I wanna see it please

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STORY OF MY LIFE!!! Lol learned my lesson gotta go fast



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my advise !


so protect them . …and also have LOTS OF CALCIUM .

  1. FULL FACE HELMETS ~ that protects your jaw from dislocation , broken jaw , chipped tooth and so on .
  2. ARM BRACE ~ from broken wrist like mine . imagine eating and doing things with only ONE hand with only FIVE fingers .
  3. SHIN & KNEE GUARDS ~ the ones on above your feet .

*just after stitches were cut off . 2 months after surgery .

*with stitches . after surgery . ONE metal TITANIUM PLATE & THREE horizontal 15mm long screws + FOUR vertical 15mm long screws

*too itchy . disobeyed doctors orders ~ “not to opened by myself” . not yet operated . just RE~ALLIGNED the bones BACK INTO ORIGINAL POSITION . doctors says they cannot operate on me as of yet . had to wait another ONE week they said .

*ambulance and a crew of SIX came to my rescue . TWO of them was under study . meaning they just started attending to their FIRST emergency call .

*just came back from work . fell at lift lobby . called ambulance . and waited for at least 10 minutes (maybe 20) . so i snapped with my left hand . basically theres TWO BONES in yr arm . mine was ; one is dislocated while the other one is broken .

all that just by everyday walking ; )


first time on my board i broke my arm, mcpl’s and sgt’s where not pleased.

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your pain deserves a like… lol

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I broke a my wrist a month back. There was a bridge and when I got to the top there was a small gap that I didn’t pay attention to. So I accelerated, but as I did this my front wheels hit a small curb between the bridge and path. At that point I was on my way flying onto the concrete . I landed on my wrist becouse I did not let go of the remote. Guys if you fall just let go of the remote it’s worth it. I got a cast later that day. The next day I was back on the skateboard with a cast lol.