$180 - designer fixed angle zero maintenance motor mounts - LHB

184mm. If There’s a 210mm Caliber II aside from Torqueboards’, i’d love to see it.

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Hard to get them, ja? Wider are much nastier.

hard to get them… because they don’t exist… if they do point me to them. Please i want them.

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Man of little faith …

Yeah those aren’t caliber IIs, they are Torqueboards extended trucks. Nothing wrong with them, but the aren’t caliber IIs…

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Sorry @longhairedboy, @mmaner is right…Torqueboards. my mistake.

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I’m expecting a set any day now my expectations are that they would be in a quality par with regular calibers just longer…but hey what about using the torqueboard truck to the rear and a regular caliber up front…that my friend is the question

I’m curious, if you truly want mounts that won’t move, why not just weld a quarter inch think steel mount to the trucks? It’d be pretty cheap and would never move

Please explain what kind of welder is going to weld steel to aluminum.


Brazenly a typo

aluminum rings would be the ticket there.

because then i’m stuck with a bunch of identical trucks with only a single application to fulfil. Part of my mission is to use off the shelf, known solid components and genuine unadulterated Calibers IIs are part of that.

Also i’d have to have them stripped and refinished, which means either setting up dedicated paint and bake stations or anodize stations.

and i also wouldn’t be able to sell mounts that you can use on any caliber II you want. limited editions, gold editions, gorgeously anodized or painted trucks in so many flavors already to match the customer’s aesthetic desires.