2 focboxes -split y cable, one power supply- How did you setup it?

Hello. I made this post because almost every ‘how to setup vesc’ post is for can-bus users.

Will you share some info about split y double vesc setup?

I have got 1 power supply and two focboxes. How do I setup it so that I will not blow them up - I have some concerns:

May I have 2 focboxes powered on and connected to motors and receiver (ofc 1 voltage wire cut off) and then plug the USB cable to 1 vesc and setup it, make motor detection, connect my remote to receiver and so on? Is it safe for the second vesc? Or is there some ‘safe’ sequence?

Should I be aware of sth like f.ex. can-bus may cause some damage if only 1 vesc is powered on.

Thank you very much for every answer!

Btw I have got one power supply instead of two because when I had regular ESCs and 2 power supply (roxxy 9120, they blew up)… Anyway…before they caught fire I managed to have a few rides and I always had 1 battery pack less discharged.

I use one power supply, made xt90 parallel connector and just set up each motor individually. I literally pretended i was setting up two different boards. I then plug in the y cable to each focbox and to the receiver and powered them both on… everything seemed to have worked


I found this helpful.


Great vid! :slight_smile: Didn’t see this before.

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Yes its good but obviously don’t take too much from his settings unless its an identical set up to yours but for the physical aspect it is the same set up regardless. Be very careful with the can bus though my friend, there are a number of threads here that warn about easy mistakes that can cost you dearly.
I use ppm splitter and have had no issues at all but did fry two focboxes with can bus due to powering individually while still connected by the can bus cable.

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Thanks for help. I wanted exacly what he showed me - right sequence :smiley: I’ll copy settings from sb who has e-mtb and uses 2 focboxes for a long time without any problems :smiley:

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Glad to help


Oh I needed this.