55 inch longboard build - Completed 6/11/16

Lol nope

It’s called…IKEA

Edit: 99 cents plus tax - I guess they are getting in the e-board business lol


Lol, the real question is if you spent 5 minutes modifying the truck to accept Enertion pulley (for the benefit of @itsmikeholland ), why couldn’t you swap in purple bushings too?!?

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Lol his benefit … I could give a rats ass abt his benefit … Shit needed to be done…just so happens I saw that post afterwards

Whats wrong with the green bushings…the colors remind me of the Joker

Haha, just thought you were going for monochromatic! You would like my loaded chubby unicorn with pink/green calibers and alternating pink green ABEC Centrax , with alternating pink/green ABEC 107mm flywheels on the side waiting for a hub pulley that fits them!!

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You mean like my other ride?

I think I have an idea :wink:


A post was merged into an existing topic: [resolved] Cheated twice by Jason and Enertion! Why not just run an honest business?

what kind of enclosure is that? do you have a link to the ikea online shop?

IKEA! That’s a great idea. Why didn’t I think of that? I second the link request.

Lol…I have no clue

They opened a new IKEA here in Vegas … And I just walked by this display…said .99¢ In the housewares I think…

The best part … It says Made in America lol Finally


Thats beautiful! Doing that down the sides as blinkers would be awesome, or even just as indicators of which way youre swaying.

Got some dimensions on that bad boy?

Working on the hinge :+1:t2:


Is that like a giant brownie pan?!



Wow!! That deck looks incredible. If the board is only meant for cruising you can probably save money with a smaller motor

this one? http://m.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/art/60279749/

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Lol @Jinra & @FLATLINEcustoms, I just searched these and was about to post these exact two trays. Man, you guys are fast. :thumbsup:


Ah, good old stödja! I use these for my split enclosure build http://m.ikea.com/fi/fi/catalog/products/art/70128585/

These have adjustable hole for those situations when your VESCs are like steamed broccoli :sunglasses:


Veggie Electronic Speed Controller (VESC) Enclosure Box