70mm wheels and 3:1 gear ratio or 59mm wheels and 2:1 ratio

Ok so right now I have 59mm wheels I originally was planning on using 3:1 ratio but those pulleys are too big for my wheel. so I found a 2:1 ratio that will fit on my wheels.

OR should I get 70mm wheels and use a 3:1 ratio

Note: I need a lot of torque

Bigger wheels

Yeah that’s what I’m thinking just want other people’s advice

My advice is get a Meepo board.

If that’s unacceptable, get a used Meepo board.

If that’s unacceptable, get a used Meepo board and put your own deck on it.

If still that’s unacceptable, use 83mm to 97mm wheels, no smaller. 13 to 15 tooth motor pulley. If you want a lot of torque use a 38 tooth wheel pulley with the 83mm wheel. But realize that making batteries and ESCs that are safe and won’t burn the house down or toss you into the middle of the road at 20mph are neither trivial nor cheap processes.

I’m with Scepy, go big! 83-86mm minimum…