Almost there! Last sprint, deciding between connection cables!

sorry for my bad drawing skills :persevere: would this work?

Not unless you want dead batteries and a burnt down house

NO you connected + to + and the circuit will connect - to - and you will have a bang…

If you want to connect the batteries in series you need to connect the red(+) form the first battery to the black(-) of the 2nd batery and you will have 1 + from the 2nd battery and 1 - from the first battery.

Then connect the loop key on the red wire

oh that wanst on purpose! ofc i meant - to +, ill change it

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Yes as @SORRENTINO draw

Also look at this -> is the closes i could find with an easy search: Check that thread is full of beautiful diagrams

DUDE NO you did the same thing . Now you connected - to - and + will close the loop with + and will KABOOM

Connect + from first battery to - of the 2nd battery then you will have the - from the first and the + from the 2nd and this is your battery in series. Follow Sorrentino’s diagram

:joy: good thing is started this topic. ye i see, just thought i could do a serieal connector with hxt, saw it on a video and thought that would be safer, ill skip that part then. but is the bottom part right? hxt to XT-male and XT-femal? can i do this?

Yes the logic looks better but the colors i dont like …

Now the battery part is alright connected in series. then -> under he ‘HXT’ text you have the red wire from the battery why do you connect it to a black wire just to go back to red inside the vesc. Same with the black wire from the battery that is going to a red wire then back to black wire.

Be really careful with this before you connect your battery to the vesc. When you get your parts id suggest you to ask first if the way you want to connect them is ok so you dont fry anything.

Also please read posts on this forum. You will find all you need to konw you will see how other built their board and what were the problems. Take a week and read just read. Search about batteries how to connect them how to recharge them etc.

thanks, the diagrams on the other topic helped me alot.

i tried to search for this befor, just didnt find any + i needed some special advice, like what cables to use. luckly they are answered now. thanks :heart: