Battery problem **

Did you mean the battery it self venting? The 18650 wasn’t releasing anything but it was the connection between the battery casing and the nickel strip that was the reason small sparks where occuring

Until you knew what, that’s what I meant.


Oh gotcha. I’ve just now completely dismantled the whole pack and put each battery in one of those plastic 18650 cases. Going to see if someone locally can spot weld it together for me or look into doing it myself. Thanks for the quick response though really, really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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Turns out the BMS was completely f*cked. Not sure what these little guys are but they’re burnt. I have a new BMS in transit but I’m super glad the batteries where not the responsible party here (or so it seems). I’ve completed dismantled the whole pack and am waiting to see if I can get someone to spot weld a new pack together for me, or alternatively buying one myself. THANK YOU for all you quick responses and safety measures. Really appreciate all of it. Hopefully the battery will be back sooner than later.15342186028498772804473835539753 15342187773703818267894054229370

Where u located? I’m on the verge of starting to offer my services and feeling confident in my spot welding and battery assembly skills if interested.

I’ll send you a pm