Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2017. E Skate deals and discounts

It was like 1 week and they said it would take atleast 2 weeks

I live in Hawaii. China shipments are quick. USA not so much sometimes.

Update my package for TB that I ordered after cyber Monday is shipped and on it’s way getting it Monday weird that my shit accutly got shipped within a week and on a crazy week, of holidays sales maybe they packaged my shit in such a hurry they threw in a a couple of wrong stuff like 30q 12s4p :wink: , yeah my enertion order not shipped yet hopefully it comes before December

After my nano-x order “shipped” on the 5th, it was picked up today :yum:

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Thoughts on nano x?

He wouldn’t have picked up like 20 or something if they where bad haha @E1Allen

I’ve been using two since the summer, never any issues, they’re better for 1&2wd over 4wd due to the limited throttle range, that’s the only caveat I would give it

I just got mine a few days ago. Overall the remote looks nice. Not sure if I like the look and feel of the throttle yet. This thing tell you when it’s charging or charged?

Red light while charging, light off when done

I didn’t get a red light charging

Been a week since marked as “shipped” and still my focboxes have not shipped :rage:

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I heard someone say that you can’t track your package until it goes through customs.


Enertion orders, takes a little patience with China Post.

My question is why has it take an entire week to get through customs… maybe I’m just impatient but I was expecting it to be here by now

Lots of Black Friday boxes and holiday boxes

China is slow to ship, just the reality.

I have yet to get my even shipped lol order number 154xx

Patience glasshoppers

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Oh that is interesting, although it does make sense. So that means that it won’t actually get updated till it gets through customs in the US?

That’s my understanding.

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