Buying broken vesc`s

After building countless boards here and having to fix and modify a good amount of vescs I have come to the conclusion that alot of people must have repairable vescs laying around and dont have the means or are willing to fix them. Anyone whos fried or killed their vesc and wants to make some $$$ off the broken thing can tell me what they did to it and send a picture and Ill pay up to 30$ plus shipping for it.


how much would you buy a tourque boards VESC with a dead drv chip.

He is no longer wanted on this forum due to an issue with his mounts and switch seevices

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Who isn’t?

@Shogu12 isnt

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Its fine by me since he is not selling stuff but buying, as long as he doesnt sell them or people buy from him

he will not be able to buy anything until he pays the debt he has with members here.