Charcoal Tiger | 10S4P Hyperion Battery | Dual TB 6374 | Dual Focbox | Hand painted deck | independent recievers

Just wanted to show off a build. Also to give a shout out to Hyperion who’s made the battery and provided top notch customer service. i won’t go into specifics cause I don’t think it’s reasonable to do what they did for every customer.

Anyway, the build rides super well but unfortunately, I might need to use a different deck cause I can’t find the right enclosure. I tried to heat up a psychotiller one to fit the curvature of the deck to just really mangled the whole thing. If any of you have any Ideas, please send them my way. That said, I do not have the space or tools to make my own mold and enclosure right now.

  • Justin


Holy fuck man this is attractive. You are a magician with a paintbrush

Great work mate!