College? Mechanical engineering

Im debating weather or not to move away for college. Its at conestoga and im approx 3 hours away so i will have to live on campus. I dont have all of my courses that i need but i can do a upgrade course after i get my deploma to move onto getting a degree. It is a very new and nice collage it loket impresive when i toured it but im debating if i should go and do the upgeade course in the summer for my math course that i failed or if i should stay home another year and try to pass it save up some money and re apply next year. I dont really want to move away but it is a 5 year bridging program. Which means i wil be hella old if i stay a other year. Its gonba suck either way because if i go to college i will miss home and if i stay all my friends will of already left so i will be lonely. I just wanated some peoples opionions on the topic because i am very confused and stressed.

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I think you should go, if you wait another year it won’t be any easier or harder, just stressful longer. Unless you’re picking up a trade, you’re gonna need a degree before you’re gonna get a decent job. Mech eng pays pretty well and you get machine shop access for free so take advantage of that and get free motor mounts made


If you go away for school, I’d definitely start spelling college correct, show them you mean business.


Ok u got me. I suck at english. Alwys hated reading.


That’s it my guy, and yeah English is dumb. Luckily for mechanical you don’t need to be a good languager, because numbering is more importanter.


Yep numbers are more importanter😂


I thought Canadians use English. That was really hard to read. I guess You just need to speak math and CAD for mechanical engineering :joy:

If you can start in that college…financially and scholastically then you should just do that. I feel that living away from home is an experience everyone needs to have. Just do it responsibly. You need to start networking with like minded people as it will help open doors in your future career.

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I beg to differ. Almost all the standards are written in English. Reports and correspondence in major/international projects are also in English. I am a mechanical engineer and more than 80% of what I do is in English. Numbers are important but communication is equally important.


Yeah sorry about my lack of qualty english. Too bad i csnt talk with numbers😂

I a just afariad of living away. Afariad of being alone and missing family. Its really starting to fuck with me. Thinking about all this shit. I just wish i could go back to grade 8. I know that my mom dosent want me to go away and whenever i bring up the subject she gets kinda sad so that will be fun to deal with.

I understand. And it makes sense. Im actually not bad at english i was just making a joke. But when it comes to typing i am lazy and will take shortcuts. That is probally y it is so hard to read.

Trust dude, I feel you. I’m LDS (Mormon) and did the two year mission thing in another state, not able to visit or be visited. It was scary at first, but it was far more in my head than anything. The freedom, ability to learn self reliance, and gaining appreciation for my family grew exponentially. Enjoy the time with your family, see a therapist to talk out any issues and learn healthy coping mechanisms, you’ll be great.


Don’t be lazy then. Proper typing shows respect to the ones you are having a conversation with.

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Oh. That reminds me. I left out one important part. It may not seem like a big deal but it has ruined my last couple of years. I dont know y my body does it but whenever i fell anxious my face will turn bright red. Just like some people get sweaty poms when doing a presentation however mine is clealery obivous. I have been peenalized for it and would now condider it a panic attack. It will occur almost once a day and i am starting to recknize what trigers it but i cant do anything about it. None of my teachers understand and its kinda a tough topic for me to talk about. It has definetly set me back a number on the social scheme. I know iys all in my head but cant seem to get it out. I am afriad that it will be a regular thing in college for me and il be right back where i started.

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Did u have to move away for college or university?

I work with majority Mormon people (company was founded by a Mormon family). I apologize for the language you experienced here :joy:.

It’s really crazy how you guys do two year missions before college and get out into the workforce older than most. Me being Chinese is that I study and go to school until I die


Therapy dude, both when I left away for college and right before my mission. I get panic attacks (don’t turn red, but start shaking, repeating the same thoughts, and crying uncontrollably) but therapy has been helpful.

I have done 1 seshion and would like to go back agian but it is very expensive and im not sure if my parents benifits cover it.

Haha yeah, lds life is tough at times but I’ve enjoyed my life as a whole. The language doesn’t bother me, I grew up around lots of colorful language/lifestyle in Los Angeles, it usually makes me laugh. Though yeah, finishing school late isn’t the most fun

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Yes. Though that was more than 20 years ago.

Another mechanical engineer here! Here’s my two unpolished pennies found between the couch cushions: Three hours’ drive from home doesn’t sound too bad, you could be in the dorms and go home on weekends. As you progress you’ll likely make friends there and have more reasons to stay for weeks at a time and the distance won’t seem so bad. I don’t know what your family situation is but remember that they’re just a phone call away… You say that this is a “new” college? How new? Do they already have a good reputation? Check and see what the background is, who the teachers and professors are etc. I’m going to make an assumption, correct me if I’m wrong, that you’re a high school senior? If so, my personal opinion is that five years to finish a degree is perfectly fine, and no one is going to think that you’re “too old”. Mechanical engineering is hard, I say that as someone who barely passed the early math courses. If you like what you see at the college though and this what you want to do I say go for it. Oh, and definitely work on the spelling, frustrating as it is. Do that, and in a crowd of bad spellers you’ll stand out as the true professional.:wink:

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