Diygadget Vesc?

Hi, Has anyone purchased one of these? Or one of their part assembled or bare pcb’s?

I’m considering buying either there part assembled or complete VESC’s for my first build but I can’t find anyone on the forum that’s used them.

Are there any other suppliers of good VESC PCB’s that are reputable?

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Seems like Maytech VESC.

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I am quite sure its MayTech :slight_smile:

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Ah, thank you both. I shall steer clear of their parts if they are MayTech, how did you identify them?

I had Maytech VESC and I know how they look :slight_smile: they all have this red circle on one of the chips…one of the parts on the deck is not doubled (which is quite normal with other VESC manufactures)…and noone makes so cheap VESCs except them…

If you plan on using them for BLDC, you’ll be fine.

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BLDC Sensored Hybrid is on point :ok_hand:

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