Does increasing battery voltage increase torque?

Since I will be adding batteries to my board instead of switching from parallel to series, this should mean that they will put out the same amperage.

Can I conclude that my board should theoretically have more torque as well as top speed if I do not change anything else apart from battery voltage?

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If you double the battery, then yes, you double the power.

E: @Zoomy It really has nothing to do with the voltage increase though as you could also just add the cells in parallel and double your power.

@PXSS however my motor can only handle 2x more voltage and not 2x more amperage.

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Then do double the voltage, and change up your gear ratio, unless you want to go hekin fast.


Here’s a question…let’s say you have one setup, 12s, 100kv motor, 2:1 gearing then you have another setup, 6s, 200kv, 2:1 gearing same size motor. Which has more torque? They have the same amount of power but one setup draws more amps at a lower voltage, one draws lower amps at a higher voltage.

If you’re going at the same speed, Mechanical Power = Rpm*Torque always. So they would have the same torque

Would increasing the battery voltage not increase mechanical power?

With the same motor, yes it would. But if you have a motor of double the kv with the original voltage you draw more amps per volt, so the power is the same. It looks like this, given the motors are the same physical size. 300kv = 16.8 v x 80 amps = 1344 watts 150kv = 33.6v x 40 amps = 1344

Given the same speed and battery size.

provided we are assuming the 6S setup is capable of doing double the current. The torque would be the same and top speed would be the same.