DRV Error...but only one VESC!

Umm idk, I was able to choose my solution. It’s a little gray check mark beside the like and link buttons on each reply.

@JLabs The solution option was enabled (forum wide) by onloop a few weeks ago. It was just disabled when the forum was created way back. I believe the topic creator and maybe the mods can select the solution.

I just checked my other vesc and noticed it too has the wrong value. I have never checked this so I guess I’m lucky it didn’t blow as well!

0.04 looks like the right value…or is that picture after you changed it?

The moral here is to always reflash f/w when you buy a VESC.

Oops that pic was after I changed it. It was .40 when I read it. What do you guys think about flashing to @Ackmaniac firmware?

Why not :), you can also flash the stock f/w again, which should be a fixed version depending when you downloaded BLDC tool. Also, according to @ackmaniac on the buggy f/w you should write to .04 and make it read .40 as it’s an issue with the tool reading from f/w. This means that while you’re reading a .4 value, the actual value is .04.