Dual Hub built WINboard 36V 800W

Hey guys, I soon want to start to build my own electric skateboard.

I wanted to ask you guys what you think of: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/WINboard-36V-800W-electric-skateboard-brushless_60606388657.html?spm=a2700.7724838.0.0.IJHGLS10

Because I was thinking about doing my board with dual hub motors and because the 360 bucks for the enertion dual hub motor would be a lot of money for me I would like to know if you guys think this might be a good cheap alternative or if it is too cheap (quality wise)? Thanks for any suggestions!

i didn’t see them available, did you saw them??

there it is, it says it will be available in May: diy-electric-skateboard-kits-parts/electric-skateboard-hub-motor-dual/

But it would be nice to hear some opinions about the WINBoard one for which I provided the link

I say yes :slight_smile: really good quality but inexpensive