E-skate Law in your Country

yeah, just seen the article (https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/bijzondere-voertuigen/vraag-en-antwoord/wat-zijn-de-verkeersregels-voor-skaters)

Sucks. Is there any ongoing attempt at reversing this law? :frowning:

Hi @Thelol182, thank you for your help! Do you have any specific links to law or articles that talk about it so that I can include it in the list?

Cheers, Ricardo

Thank you for the suggestion, it’s added now. I have also added the contributor name so that I don’t get lost in all the info! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do you have any links to brazilian law? Incidently, I’m Portuguese so, for once, I can read it! :slight_smile:

Thank you for this, it’s something at least, I guess! :smiley:

Do you have any links to any law that I can include in the document?

Where are you from? China?

Didn’t they ban e-scooters in Shanghai and Beijing due to the amount of accidents in the roads?

Do you have any links that I can use for the document?

Cheers, Ricardo

Here it is, don’t know if that’s the most recent one


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Thank you for contributing! Can you please share any law that may be related to electric mobility?

Also, are you aware of any effort to legalise e-skateboards in Belgium?

Cheers, Ricardo

thank you for your help @Komamtb - can you please share the link for Lithuatian ebike law, or point me in the right direction?

Cheers, Ricardo

I found an interesting article on the Brazilian media:


Only ebikes from what i can find. 3 cat: under 25kmh and pedal assisted, over 25 and pedal (special insurance and needs to have a certificate of conformity) , speedpedelec (45kmh) (needs a permit) I believe it has been voted today that the last 2 ones will need to have a license plate (for sure the speed ones)

Due to the above,up to 2 wheel vehicles are regulated. A one/mono wheel type of vehicle seems for the moment to be able to take advantage of this as being somewhat legal. Eskates are completely grey area. Ive heard in some cities they take it from you, but no issues here (went voting on my board, drove past several officers in different cities).

So in short: grey area, tolerated almost everywhere. Our community is strong about helmet and lights to set the best possible image about eskaters

My prediction is that next year (in US) we will see a new wave of riders with prebuilt boards. They are cheap enough now that most students can buy them. It will trickle down and you will see them in some retail stores. I don’t doubt this will bring new regulation as there will always be those that don’t wear helmets and these things go much faster than hover boards.


Actually its l6 anyways 45kmh max and no power limit is written there

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Only found this: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/interface/yidian/1139302/2016-09-01/cd_26658327.html

But I’m in Shenzhen, greetings from Wowgo👋

The links are in Swedish tho,


That australian link talks about scooters and not esk8 if I’m not mistaken. Its unclear what constitutes legality here in QLD regarding powered skateboards. No doubt it will be made clear and heavy restrictions will be enforced due to a death last year on the gold coast. As it stands the police leave you alone if you are sensible. I have been stopped once (so the guy could try my board) and told to slow down once due to my own silliness (60kmh down the main street) but in general we are still under the radar.


oh dear… speeding on eDevices can get you banned from the roads in the UK !!!

“The law – based on an 1835 Highways Act, according to scooter maker Micro – lags behind those in elsewhere in Europe. In France electric scooters can be ridden on cycle lanes and the pavement, provided riders keep to a speed limit; in Germany pavement riding is legal up to 6km/h (nearly 4mph); and in Austria and Switzerland riders can bomb down cycle lanes and on roads at up to 25km/h.”

Thank you for the help. Also, very important to keep the officers on our side… kudos for the good attitude!

Thank you for the link! It looks like there’s no specific law covering e-skates? what about any law for e-bikes?

Cheers, Ricardo

Thank you for the link - doesn’t this only cover for ebikes though? Couldn’t find any mention to e-skates :-S