Elofty Direct Drive

Exactly. I am by no means hating on anything here at all and still planning on grabbing a set! Just trying to work out details of what to expect :slight_smile: everyone rides different.


Cant you just re-wind the stator?.. Its not rocket science

@dareno it has torque and throw you off if you arent careful. still need some data with that. ive been busy with other stuff.

@linsus that’s exactly what Kenna needs to figure out with her engineer. they are on Labor Day break so I wont hear back til next week.


I think the scrutiny here is warranted (A lot of early confusion around the KV and some conflicting reports of the performance) and the disappointment is to be expected (Everyone wants a DD, specially one that is cheap and early on this had promise). I remember earlier in the thread @Touch415 was being very real about the performance and he was met with some resistance

Someone should do a Summary of the DD so people know what to expect. The info I can add:

At 56KV(According to the calculator that is spot on for me on belt driven systems)

DD is DKP only which by can be converted into TKP by removing the middle piece. RKP is the more common truck style used in e-skates. There are only pulleys for Kegel core (no ABEC11)


I think I saw your board go up in flames a couple of weeks ago on Reddit. Maybe you can use AWD lofty to build your new one. It will have all the power that you need in SF and won’t break your bank. And like Wing said, they will be coming out will different KVs, so you can choose better.

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AWD with pneumatics. You get just the right speed and good torque.

Or just that you like to ride at a lower speed in general. The upside is that you get more torque for hill climbing.


But would we be able to get the discount with true 75kV? I admit I kind of balked on ordering cause of how low the kV was…

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That would be a question for @Winfly

yeah. I know this groupbuy will be more successful with true 75kv. I can’t promise anything but will try to organize groupbuy after I get samples from Kenna and test them.


For me personally I think the undiscounted price for a 75kv drive set is good enough so I will wait for the upgraded version and go 4wd with them. Short range carvy hill climber. I was going to use some maytech hubs for it but these look like a better option unless humdinger gets going of course. Anyway thanks for all the effort you guys are putting into this endeavour. Its appreciated.


Dam ! That 56kV sounds really good :yum: AWD on Berg and 12s !! I want !..
I was affraid it was “real” 75kV (or around 80 to 70kv).

I hope there will be a round 2 after summer ! :relaxed:

Yes, I’m building a 4wd this moment with 3D Servisas gear drives, time to burn some more shit up,…


Personally I’m not interested in these DDs but for all of those who want some decent top speed and torque I’d recommend waiting for the real 75kv ones As for testing goes @Winfly if I were you I would keep riding the set you already have and reporting back to the community. See I don’t understand how you can call yourself a “tester” when all you have done so far is ride them for a few miles then quit on them!! Why is that!? Do you have too many things that you need to test at the moment!? Well. If that’s the case pass them on to someone else who can do some real testing and start feeding information back to the community who is actually interested in them Just saying


This line reveals how much you understand motors, especially the relationship between KV and torque and speed. Hahaha.


For sure brother

Then please excuse my bluntness but what the hell are you doing in here then?

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I’m Learning brother. See. That I’m not interested in purchasing the DDs doesn’t mean I don’t what to learn about them. I hope that’s ok with you thou

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It is but these guys are trying to get some understanding out into the community in their free time and I just thought that your comment was a bit rude to be honest. No harm done. We’re good. I do agree though for thane 75kv does seem to be the sweet spot for these drives. Its what I am waiting for.

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No need to worry so much about these DDs. Clearly they’re not for you. We can tag you if/when the 75kv version comes around.

Me? I live in the flattest city ever, and will be rocking 97 to 105mm wheels, so these are perfect for me.

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Aww. You guys are so mean :rofl::rofl: