Enertion R2 100kph

from the Stooges data log files he was just under 4000w per esc/motor but his voltage was pretty low, with a tune up I think he will go close to 5000w each…


3944w divided by 28.6v equals 139 amps


Nice, so about 8000W total.

He was still accelerating hard when he reached 57mph, but I think its pretty clear that nobody will be getting close to 100kph on a 3000W Raptor 2 regardless of motor KV.


Calculator it Takes approx 6hp to maintain 57mph=4474w total.


I wouldn’t trust that green line. They didn’t even bother to put it in English…

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communists :cn: and their damn foreign languages…

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the motors could do it. Just need to shove enough voltage in there.

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Stack,Pack and put em on the #6 Bus

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