Enterion sale is now active! focbox @ $97.23|£73.11|€81.54

probably an issue with your address, maybe try again.

make sure address is correct.

It is correct, works fine for FOCBOX…

I FOC’d up, shoulda bought two

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what item has problem?

Was available 5 mins before in the uk…bought 2foc and nano remote,am I right in thinking focbox’s have XT60U and 4.5mm bullet connectors?

Umm, that one.

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At $98 a pop I couldn’t resist… Bought 3 of them(even though I only need two :stuck_out_tongue: )

3.5mm bullets last time I bought them and xt60s.

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Wasn’t going to FOC up this opportunity. I need 2 right now, but I bought 4 :smirk:

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:+1:…Any luck with that code working ben it didn’t for me!

I don’t need any but bought 6 for spares and for friends . A focbox at almost maytech price was all I could dream about. When jason wants you to throw some $$ haha

Bought 1, wanted to get 2 but not enough money :confused: Either way I’m excited to finally ditch the somewhat crappy X-Car esc! :grin:

Enterion ? Lol there is no doubt…you wrote the topic swimming on excitement. I feel you bro. This is a great deal.

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This is great. Thank you enertion.