esk8 builders | T-Shirt Design Competition

Best! @onloop If I could I would take off all my other votes.

You can unvote, just click the :heart:

I’m using my iPad. I can’t do it. I’ll try the computer.

my bad wrong reply zone forum rookier

OK, I think it’s time to start getting down to the nitty gritty…


@NIK leading the way with 12 votes NOTE: Some of the votes might be dodgy but, in general, the design on the front is a good one so will give you the benefit of the doubt. I personally don’t like the back though it’s a bit tacky. Your other designs that had 11 votes got ignored becauseIi think the people are not invested in the community to count. & they weren’t as good as this design.

Next up is @King1017 in 2nd place With 6 votes. This one has proven to be a popular choice!.. When I first saw the design I instantly liked it, nice & clean and a good message

Finally is @onloop new design from yesterday with a healthy 5 votes. Of course, I like this one :slight_smile: I really tried to capture the essence of what are all doing.

An honorable mention also goes out to @sk8ace with a solid 4 votes. This is a simple design, mostly text and a minimalistic emblem style badge. I like the style and think it has a strong message.

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Now if anyone else want to submit a design do it now!, remember you can submit up to 3 each…

Ultimately this is about the best design… I personally ain’t going to wear a piece a shit design neither is anyone else… Anyway I do feel these top 4 are all good designs and wearable (if @nik changes the back of his)

In one week we have a final round of voting based on the top designs. So if you think you have a better design then these four shirts get your shit together and submit it and your design can be in the final round of voting.

So In one week we will start a poll

something like this - DONT VOTE YET

  • World’s Greatest electric Skateboard Engineer
  • Electric Skateboard Builders Unite
  • Because Perfromance Matters
  • Dream, Build, Ride, Repeat

0 voters

NOTE: I can’t WIN the skateboard deck!.. So if my shirt happens to get more votes than the other designs simply because people like the design better that’s totally ok - remember it’s a design comp not a popularity contest! So if that happens the prize will be awarded to the design with the next highest number of votes…

My last design which is a cleaner design of the other one, hope to be in the final.


When’s the deadline? I’m not very creative, but I’ll hopefully try to get something in before the deadline.

one more week to submit designs, so make your entry and if its good it might make it to the final judging round.

Thanks for the votes! :slight_smile: I have one more design idea I’ll work on tonight.

Here is my design. I hope you guys like it!


I know it’s a small image, so if you can’t tell, those are all black and white versions of the parts needed to make a e-Board

here is my second submission. i hope you like it.


Well, this is my first entry (and surely last, because I haven’t enough courage to do another design :confused: )

Hope you like it !


New to the community and learning about building my own board, and I came across this contest (hope it’s cool I submit something).

Little take on the dia de los muertos, but with an esk8 twist of course. Hope you like :slight_smile:


Here’s the front

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Build the ride, ride the lightning

Front’s on the left, back’s on the right.

I actually really wanna wear this shirt. Please vote if you like it!