eSk8Tube Video thread

Finally good weather here in Helsinki :sunglasses: Quick test run with new build

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Congrats…and nice clear weather :sunny:

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Marina Barrage . 27th March 2016 . as usual using my LG G2 phone cam . abt 5pm and it was nice weather . @ 5:27 into video , a chick using a new handsfree Segway Mini Pro overtook me like she already knew i was gonna go slow . it looks like Segway ; but we all know china made knock offs are a plenty .

actually reprogrammed escs to go slow . didnt knew it was THIS slow . i have a metal brace and 15mm screws in my right wrist ; 7 screws . 4 screws upper horizontally + 3 screws below vertically . and i didnt fell from eboarding . i fell while walking in 2nd Nov 2015.

doctor wont let me download xray pics . instead allowed me to snap it off the screen . you can see our reflections from pc monitor in doctor’s office .

I took my cheapo camera out while getting groceries to get a quality test. This is the best I can get from a vivitar 785hd, but it was on clearance from a pawnshop, so i got what i paid for and don’t need to potentially sacrifice my phone. That’s approximately 40lbs of groceries including the 5lbs of chicken in my bag. I’ll get some night shots later tonight.


Hahah 40lbs of groceries … 20lbs of it beer :beers: Lol… Awesome…Shopping in year 2016 gotta love it

Got to meet up with a fellow E-sk8er tonight… Was really good meeting you @thisrealhuman :facepunch:t2:

We got to film :movie_camera: him on his sweet ride…

Let’s go to the video tape :point_right:t2::film_projector:


Would have had a second low quality video but forgot to put the card in my camera. I never realized the lights were that bright. You cut the part where I nearly lost it on that metal at the very end, I was hoping to see if you caught the slide. It was good meeting you too, @Michaelinvegas , next time I’ll try not to rip two belts until after we get some video.

@Michaelinvegas @thisrealhuman that’s awesome…let me know if you guys ride on the strip next week, I’ll be at the Monte Carlo for NAB Sun - Thurs.

For sure I’m down… @thisrealhuman is short a working belt so not sure abt him… Def hit me if you bring your board …

I thought about it but don’t want to risk getting stuck because of the Space Cell.

Yes you would have to leave me your board lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Maybe @torqueboards will sponsor us with a couple of belts, I know he has my size and the shipping is close. With the three of us cruising around we could take over a whole lane on the strip. Imagine the marketing potential, we could pass out stickers or business cards into the hands of limo riders. I’ve ridden my bike right in traffic on the strip on a Saturday night… Totally safe.

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Nice midday session here in Helsinki :sunglasses: Friend riding my board and I used his benchwheel. After using the carvons the benchwheel feels numb! I think I have to get new action cam


New video recorded at low angle with a gopro-like chinese camera:

~1 mile street run + underwater tunnel/footpath :slight_smile:



If anyone’s at the NAB Show in Vegas, swing by the Came TV booth, they have a bunch of my videos looping inside of their display. Pretty good exposure for ESK8 as this convention has over 100k people in attendance.

Also, I think I found my next DIY build :slight_smile:


thats soo cool!!! do you know them personally?

i have been meaning to ask, what is NAB? I assume its a video camera expo of sorts?

They know me by face because I attend NAB each year but their marketing team caught hold of my DIY eboard camera rig video so they knew I was using their gimbal to shoot. So NAB stands for the National Association of Broadcasters and it’s the biggest video technology show of the year. International attendees represent every sector of the industry including broadcast tv, digital media, film, entertainment, post production, VR, etc. It’s massive and super fun if you are into video. I’ve been posting a bunch of the latest tech on my Instagram account if anyone wants to see what they have out here.


Oh right on man👊🏻…

yeah… i would love that show!

Although…not a “skate” video…and we don’t have a build blooper section…

This is what it looks and sounds like when your m4 bolt is just a hair too long…