EU Heatshrink / vlies supplier?

Hey guys … iam looking for a decent supplier for those big heatshrinks which is used for shrinking battery packs. in my case i need one with these dimensions : 50 x 20 cm for my pack. where to get it from ?

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Following, they seem impossible to find in Europe

HUGE heatshrink

60mm max? That’s not huge. We aren’t talking about heatshrink for wires, but for battery packs

Could be worth a look?

Sorry I thought it said 60cm.

86mm wide max - 17.2cm perimeter

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Just to let you guys know, i found what i was looking for.

Wow, what cells are you using!? Let us know if it is 245mm diameter or perimeter.

Its 1 meter long and it has 245 mm width … You could order even bigger ones (265mm witdh) (295mm witdh)

That is a great deal then - was wondering why they were selling 0.13 mm lengths!

0.13 mm should be the material thickniss