Great work on the focbox.

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Ok - I’m sure I’m gonna get a load of grief for this question but I literally cannot find out how to do it and have hunted for the answer and can’t find it. Oh dear. Here goes - if anyone could answer this quickly and then delete my message it might save me a heap of embarrassment!! :slight_smile:

How the hell do I apply minor changes?

I’ve run the wizard and applied my settings - all good, but I wanna increase my Absolute max to 155.0A (I guess this could be any change) and apply it - where’s the apply button? I can only read the current setting :frowning: I’m sure this is so simple and there’s a massive red button somewhere I’ve overlooked - any help hugely, and humbly accepted :blush:

I haven’t seen the new tool, but isn’t there a write button? Also is the window maximized or fit to screen? Just a thought. Some day I’ll catch up and try the new tool.

Thanks for the reply but there’s no ‘write’ button as such in the new tool. The place that resided before now has an ‘anchor’ icon for full brake and a ‘stop’ icon. Besides the minor glitch I’m having you should check out the new tool it’s bloody glorious!! Plus FOC on my FOCBOXs is working like a charm!

Just hover over each option to see what they do.

From top you have Read Motor conf - Read Motor Default conf - Write motor conf - This should be used for " Minor changes" or Any changes you make

Read App conf- Read app Defaul conf Write App conf - for any minor and All changes

i hope this helps :slight_smile:


Suggestion: Could we have the ramping times set to 0 by default since your fork is primarily for E-Sk8? It’s getting buried in the other thread and isn’t obvious when upgrading from 2.xx


I plan to try it out eventually. But everything is working great for me here too. Also running foc on my focbox’s. Foc is brilliant on watt control. I’m running out of time though in the great white north so I’ll probably wait till spring… maybe :slight_smile:

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Was braking changed in this firmware from the original?

I’ve noticed my braking was really soft moving to 3.1 I had to increase my bat min settings to get the same braking behavior from 2.54.

Holy crap :poop:I knew it had to be obvious! Thanks @MontPierre :facepunch:t2:

@Ackmaniac Is Watt mode supported like in Old BLDC Tool? I couldn’t find watt mode in BLDC tab, just Current. If I was to choose Current with break, and limit Watts in Watt limiting field would it work the same way as previously? Also, is there a way to set up curves for breaks and acceleration separately and independently?

Current control is in the new firmware the same as watt control in the old firmware. And you can adjust different throttle curves for acceleration and braking. But that is now also possible in the official version.

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Are Motor detection and satuaration compensation functions that can be incorporated into your app?

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I don’t get it fork or no fork. What @Ackmaniac has done and is doing is awesome for us who want to build esk8. From what I have read frank wants to use ackmaniacs file to add the his vesc6 which he trademarked. I may be wrong but for someone who wants. Contributions for others hard work he sure seems to want it for free.

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@Ackmaniac Great work on this Man installed on VESC6 and work like a charm Thx

@guyguy from what values to what values have you changed the battery min & motor min to match the previous braking power from older firmware? Is this in FOC or BLDC?

@Jinra also mentioned weaker brakes for same values on 3.x firmware.

batmin was changed to -20 from -12. I run it in FOC. These values don’t change when switching between FOC/BLDC.

Could it be that you didn’t directly switch from 2.54 to 3.100. Because if you used the original 3.27 or 3.28 in between then the braking behavior is different.

Hey, I went directly from 2.54 to 3.100. I was waiting on your 3.xx FW to come out since I trust your work.

Could be just me; not sure if anyone else experienced this.

Well @Jinra said that he kept the same values when using 3.100 by @Ackmaniac and it worked the same as 2.x but did report weaker brakes in the official 3.2x firmware.

I’ve so far tried my new build with 2.18 BLDC and this weekend I’ll update to 3.100 and switch to FOC (on focboxes). Hope the braking behaviour doesn’t change as I’m pretty happy with the brake force (I only run -8A battery min and -36A motor min / vesc but i find my brakes are good).

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Did you maybe accidentally change the brake throtte-curve or might have a wrong min pulsewidth value for your ppm remote? Brakes and acceleration should behave more or less the same as in 2.54.