Focbox fried in bldc, split ppm

Odd that most have failures with ackmaniac? What fw does you other guys use? I love the ack fw, it made my board smooth as butter

Does anyone see anything wrong on the other 3 that are not workingā€¦ itā€™s just weird cause it happened in my R2 on stock firmware and nothing was changed, then happened on my new TB DD set up from the same motor 2 times but yet the other one is fine stillā€¦ IMG_0402 IMG_0404 IMG_0406 IMG_0407 IMG_0408 IMG_0409 IMG_0411 IMG_0413 IMG_0415 20574365-D74C-4BDF-A0C7-963F7356418B

@JohnnyMeduse How much to repair 3-4 VESC, any type of deal for multiple?

Same price as usual 45USD each (return shipping include)