Free shipping on all Psychotiller enclosures

Ok well I guess I’m not getting an enclosure then :man_shrugging:

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Try typing it in manually?? Lol more then likely are carrying the text’s Meta data(font type, size, etc.) of the text with it as your copying from browser to browser…

Perfect example of this is if you have Microsoft word or such text editor. You can actually choose which pieces of the Meta data you would like to paste with the text.


To further touch on that… the Meta data to psychos code processor would see the Meta data characters as invalid to a matched code…


Try this

LHB’s Mom’s Face!!

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You had it right undo that edit it’s “Moms” @i2oadsweepei2

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Well I get paid this week so I will probably get one at the end of this week

That’s quite interesting. Do you have a picture of The Flagship V2 enclosure on a board ?

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Oh man… The cheap hooker thing is threatening to kick in.

Does it fit the Jet Spud 29 like perfectly?

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Need an enclosure for a jet spud 29 do you have em physo bro

Still wrong… LOL, look again.

I think those photos seal the deal for me… thanks @mmaner and if you still have the spud 29 for $65 let’s talk.

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Learn how to type yet ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I don’t, sold them both. Actually bought one from @jlabs and the wheel wells are better on it.


While you’re here, was the flagship a good fit?

Anglo-Saxon’s aposthrope should follow by a small … ('s)

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It was a little long on the front, got into the wheel wells but didn’t cause any issues. No bite with 97mm wheels and it’s easily trimmed if you want, I didn’t.

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Holy crap I was almost defeated by the dastardly code. I’m in.