(GER) Motor Pulley 15t, 15mm for 8mm shaft HELP it´s urgent

Hi! Does anybody have a motor pulley 15t 15mm width for a 8mm motor shaft? I want to finish a build for my brother and he will pick it up on Wednesday, unfortunately the only missing piece is the motor pulley and I don´t think my ordered one won´t get here in time. So if anyone has a spare one, I´ll pay generously :rofl:

i have 15t and could make you a 8mm bore but not for 15mm width

Hier: https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/elektro-skateboard-diy-ritzel-15-zaehne-5m-/830240856-187-1158?utm_source=sharesheet&utm_campaign=socialbuttons&utm_medium=social&utm_content=app_ios

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