Help needed with my deck and case

What are some good ways to connect a case to a wooden deck? My deck is also curved and I need to find a way to flatten it. Would scrape the wood off of the bottom help? The deck and battery are under strain from that. This is also my first build so im not sure what to do on a lot of this.

There are quite a few good options for that, as most of us have had this problem before.

My solution would be something like the following: Draw the shape of your enclosure on the bottom of you deck and either sand it down or route it out. Could also use a dremel if you have steady hands.

Another really cool option is pouring the bottom flat with epoxy by @squishy654:

Other options that don’t require flattening are finding or making an enclosure that follows the concave of your board. If you have a popular deck maybe @Eboosted or @bigben can help you out.

Last (in this list) but certainly not least is making your own enclosure with e.g. GHETTO VACUUMING by @ninja:

If you browse/search the forum (specifically the build threads) you will probably find even more awesome and creative options.

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Hello, I’m not 100% sure if I understood you correctly.

Are you trying to addapt your deck to be able to fit one of my enclosures?

What deck do you have?

Why don’t you just purchase a deck that has an enclosure ready for it?

Al my enclosures are listed here:

Just use some weather-stripping foam between the enclosure and deck and that will flatten the concave of your deck, works for me! You can find like 10ft for around $7 in Home Depot.