How to Program CanBus Properly: Video Tutorial

Some people are afraid of CanBus. But there’s little to fear in my opinion. I have used this method to setup many many ESC’s and never have had a Can chip failure.

Important Notes:

  • If canbus is connected, always power both ESCS together
  • If you run Canbus, ensure your power wires are taped, or solid connections and that they will never come apart from vibrations.

Enjoy 12 minutes of the most boring s*** on the planet.


Do one for split PPM too! :smiley: heck just make a series :’). your TB motor mount one was gold


Next time play some porn on the other screen The video is kinda boring like that.


Definitely a helpful video. I had read the several how to connect via can threads but seeing it in a video is always nicer.

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There’s hidden secrets towards the end too… Like how to wirelessly use VESC tool :wink:


Just what i needed, thanks bortha

Am I the only one who watched the video just to hear @Deckoz’s voice :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ll be checking this again soon, thanks. Very usefull.

The only reason why people are afraid to use the CANbus connection is because of possible ground loop or short. Correctly designed circuits never have this issue.

i see this is an old post. but is there any chance of you putting the video up again ?


Hello @Deckoz as you can see from the above post :arrow_up: it would be really helpful if you could put the video back up. Thanks

Update the video using new esc possibly fsesc 6.6

It is the same process

Here’s a video from Miami electric skateboard that does a good job going through the setup. His other videos are good as well.

It’s mostly following the wizard in the vesc tool.