Hummie Deck: New Wood & Carbon Decks. GROUP BUY - Round 5 $125 (Shipped US) + Worldwide shipping POST 2268

yes Charles. talk soon

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Whatā€™s the width of the board where the trucks mount? Iā€™m getting that display from @Wajdi and Iā€™m finding out some boards are too narrow there, lolā€¦

Boards look better than before. imageimageimage



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@psychotiller is one of the few guys on the forum who I would trust to modify such a nice looking deck.

Thanks @hummie these are amazing! I want to keep the CF look on the top maybe minimize the grip tape or use some transparent ones?

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Anyone got stl files for printing really beefy bash guards for these?

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Iā€™ve been hoping someone would come up with a good design for thoseā€¦ Like a CNCā€™d 2 piece aluminum bash guard that attaches from top and bottom and also functions like those braces for attaching trucksā€¦ Damn I wish I knew how to use Fusion 360, lol. Board really does look fantastic though!

Can we get a pic of the single cutout version also @Hummie??? Oh and did you know the width of the board where the trucks connect? I ordered the Proton touchscreen display module that @Wajdi made and I didnā€™t consider how wide it was. Need to know if Iā€™ll have to cancel the pre-order or notā€¦

Never seen cnc aluminum bash guards done before. Not sure if its got something to do with cost but more shiny on the board is nice. Lol

@Holyman92 werenā€™t you trying to make a brush guard/bumper for longboards?

Haha yeah thatā€™d probably be a bit over killā€¦ Though if it was too also act as a support brace for the trucks up top, then it really isnā€™t that crazy of an ideaā€¦ Maybe CNCā€™d POM would do for just a really legit bash guard? I just donā€™t want to put some Frankenstein crappy looking bash guard up there when the rest of my board is going to look so damn good! :smile:

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@uigiroux its 120mm across the truck mount

im almost asleep and cant get the single for a pic now. busy day have to get up early and ship them


Appreciate all the work @hummie! Maybe I shouldā€™ve ordered 2 nowā€¦ :rofl:

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I did lol Single cut and double


Ok thatā€™s great, theyā€™ll fit :slight_smile:

Shut up! Now I want one from the new batch :unamused:


Better look in terms of what exactly? Maybe my untrained eyes have yet to notice the finer details lol

haha. no blue dots and the coat on top is glossier. and oo that important carbon layer down a level.

i more so dont want to put grip on it. i still havent on the board imve been pushing around for weeks and call me crazy but it still works. as long as its not wet. and then i squeak all around on it wth my sneakers probably driving everyone nuts around me. until the water thins out and drys upā€¦and then its good and dont slip off.


When people see what I do to my second Hummie deck lol :rofl: :smiling_imp: :sweat_smile:

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