I need help with my own built Mountainboard

Thank you, I will try to do as you say, when Im home again. I have one question left… why is the number for the left motor, on the first picture I sent, so much higher on the top esc than the bottom?

I’m not sure, maybe one motor was a little dirty, the conception is not exactly the same,… Are you doing detection with wheels and belts on? In this case maybe it’s a belt tension difference… The second picture is the second detection? It seems to be better.

And did you check your batteries balance, to make sure they are not damaged?

I think exactly thats the problem with it, the value shown there on the run, is the run where the motors didnt have torque in the end. They stopped having torque exactly at that moment when the run is complete and the screen with reversing the motors for driving foward and backwards pops up. And yes I checked my batteries some weeks ago and at that time they were fine but Ill check them again.