Jet driven e-sk8! What do you guys think?

I’ve seen this one… though, still too weak :smiley:

Lol. That was built probably just for science.

Rookies, you need 8ft flames.

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Most. Definately.

This is gonna be a …blast…

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Here is the owners first ride. Honestly, it doesn’t even look like it has a lot of power.

As spected, absolutely no Torque. and can barely maintain the speed. Defeats the purpose of an Electric Skateboard.💁

And most importantly… HE PUSHES MONGO

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most jet-airplanes are not strong enough to lift their own weight. it just works if they are gliding in the air. similar here. not much torque.

why are you insulting? This forum it’s supposed to be informative and respectful.

Please explain how my post is insulting?

Me pushing mongo too, so what?

Some peeps can’t take a joke…

That wouldn’t count as an eboard, since he is being propelled from his hips.

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