Just fell down, wear helmets guys!

Oh fuck! Good to hear you re alright so far. All best wishes out to you my friend and please heal up fast. Peace Bro


That is a very real thing. Fall anxiety. After my first fall I didn’t ride for a week and it took 3 quick beers to get me back on and relaxed. Almost the exact same damage too. Hand, shoulder back and elbow. Slow fall that one sub 15mph. The last one was a proper doozy at at least 25mph. Found out just how high a kerb transition you can roll over with 97mm urethane. Dead stop and a full shoulder to roll. No damage at all. Muscle memory, kevlar reinforced bike jacket and luck is all.
Alan glad you’re ok bud and order those pads.

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yeah i was nowhere near 25mph but I get where your coming from as in practically at this common (24mph) esk8 speed the tricks I mentioned are useless.

but I heard @Sender ran off a board at 24 mph but he’s an army freak like captain america so :man_shrugging:


Preston wasn’t so lucky https://www.instagram.com/p/BxQkrSvhpGm/?hl=de

Wtf :flushed:


The chuck norris of esk8


He’s lucky he’s didn’t pop his skull open since he just wears that hat of his riding on crappy NY streets


Happy that you are ok Alan…

Espero pronto te mejores!



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Bailing at 25 and falling at 25 are different! I can safely bail at 25 and be ok. But a sudden unexpected fall is impossible to combat.

I fractured my wrist at 15 when i hit some sand and lost control

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I just took my first long range leisure ride earlier after my spill… Since i basically degloved.my.thumb now im rocking some sector 9 slide gloves… Theyre not a heavy i was expecting which is nice… And no more worries of fd up hands…

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One of the reasons I use pnuemetics 95% of the time. I have riden my carvons like twice in 2 months.

On regular thane, I am constantly anxious about hitting something and falling. On nummies, I barely even look down and its so much more relaxed. if I know the road is good, I take urethane. Otherwise, I am taking the pnuemetics everytime.


Wear helmets and whatever other gear makes you feel safe! Im too old to break my hip or my ribs (again). I use an armored flannel and some padded shorts when I ride


oh man, fuck. Watched so many of his reviews on YT and like this crazy guy a lot. Not a good thing to hear that he got injured that way.

Nope, thats not him… like not at all :wink:

He s just like to many guys going always too fast for his skills, because he is not that good skater imo.

even as much disappointing like eskaters in full protection gear rocking full speed through parks where others( children,dogs and so on) seem to no matter at all. They are safe but others are in extreme danger because of their dumb, egoistic behavior. Saw that in more than a dozen videos and these dumbs guys are responsible for us all getting treated by the people. And then there is a thread which is called: why so much hate? Because very much of us(not all) are giving a shit about others. Unfortunately true! Do I have to ride 30 mph through a park where kids play and people walk their dogs on sunshine days? Eskaters, think about that! Edit: @Deckoz your edit is speaking my soul: road rage is the keyword! Great!


“edit: Incase you aren’t picking up what I’m putting down, don’t bring undo stress to yourself if you are not prepared for it. calmness and assessment of everything in life before action will bring you nothing but blisss… take that how you want. but seriously… no need to bring road rage to carving the land.”

Could not agree more.

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I have a tsg pass…but I’ve never worn it. I know I do very reckless things so you can save calling me a dumb ass. I’ve worn a helmet once ever and typically reach well over 20mph. Today I was going about 12 mph and I didn’t take a turn sharp enough before the approaching curve. My head smacked the curb but it wasn’t too bad because I half caught myself. What really hurts is it sent one of my tooth’s through my front lip.

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Happened to me even with my Pass. Didn’t go all the way through but left a hole and some gross fat came out. Eating sucked for a week or two.

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Happy you’re ok!

I hope you’re buying a new helmet as a replacement because the shell and foam have served their purpose and are now compromised.

Alan you’ve had some weird activity here since this crash. Did you get your melon checked out?