LED headlights & indicators with VESC & Nunchuk control

Any notes on what those modifications were? I’m still looking.

i forget where i found that info. i think in one of his videos. if you really want to do it with the vesc i would ask on vedders fourm. he is quick to respond if you ask clear questions.

Hi. I found this’ll thread while digging about this same subject. If you are on vesc 4.x and you want to connect the data pin to hall2 pin you have to remove R12 and C6, change R9 with a zero ohm resistor and finally add a pull up resistor ( 2.2k is fine ) to 5V. Then you can edit the conf general.h and compile. Or just upload the ws2811.bin version of your firmware ( haven’t done this way and you probably can’t edit the number of LEDs ).

On the vesc6 , which is the one I am using , you don’t need any hardware modification you just need to edit a couple of files to make it compatible.

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Hi Stewii, I have tried to implement this, but it does not work.

Things I have done:

  • Flashed default WS2811.bin
  • I have removed the filters on the hall sensor port and added 2.2k pull up resistor to 5v on H2 pin.
  • I have replaced r8,r9,r10 with 0 ohm resistor.
  • For my remote, I am using custom nun-chuck nrf24l01.
  • The ws2812 leds are getting powered from external 5v source, but same ground reference.


  • 800khz signal is being produced on H2 pin but does not work.( the signal is constant and does not change).