LifePO4 battery getting drained too quickly

Set it to 0,04. The error happened when the calue was read by the BLDC-Tool. Not when it was written. So when you set it to 0,04 then you vesc will handle it with 0,04.

To be a bit more precise what it means. It is only allowed for the VESC to increase or decrease the current settings by this value for every step. And there are 1000 steps each second (1000 Hz = 1 kHz).

So to go from 0 to 50 Amps it needs 1250 Steps (50 / 0,04 = 1250 Steps / 1000 per second = 1,25 seconds). With the wrong settings it would do it in a milli second. (50 / 50 = 1 Steps / 1000 per second = 0.001 second).