Live Search Results

Not sure if anyone else is seeing this, but when I do a general search, I used to get live results (as in it would start searching there in the box and show me the first few topics that matched), but now it just says “no results found.” If I just click enter to do a full search, search definitely finds matching topics and posts, so I can’t figure what happened to the live results. Anyone else seeing that?

In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, I’m referring to the magnifying glass in the top right and the box that comes down when you click it.

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I’m getting the same thing, probably a site glitch @onloop

Same here @onloop

Same here.

Still not fixed

works fine here:

Hey Jason,

We mean the live search results (before you hit enter). It should be auto filling with live search results without having to press enter.

arh, i see, i have emailed help desk.


Thanks @onloop!