Looking for new rides in SE England

Hullo… I’ve got a 2019 Trampa Pro-board. Is there a decent place online that lists any good offroad coarses for esk8’s? I’ve got a few favourite places, but would like to broaden my horizons and try new recommended tracks/terrain.

hey bro this is a really cool place with a mountain bike track and a super smooth tarmack path https://www.betteshanger-park.co.uk/ weres your places

check out the Carve Electric UK group in Facebook, there’s a bucketload of active members always on the lookout for a good ride. Post up your suggestions there… :wink:

if you can make the trip thetford forest has loads of offroad trails you can literally get lost in there i do haha

Cheers dude… I’m in SW London/Surrey. Have added this to my list of rides :slight_smile:

Ah, I unsubbed from the Carve group as it was filling my feed with trash every day. Also, not so keen on all my FB friends seeing my posts to skateboard groups, as they know my age! :blush:

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Thanks… Thetford’s a bit far, but I’ve heard it’s awesome!

You can always change settings to not get Carve notifications and keep an eye out for rides… there’s also a good group based in Norwich, the name escapes me now.

No problem, it’s the smoothest tarmac