Looking for STL files for 6x2 hubs pulley

Hi everyone.

I am looking for a STL file that can be used to print a 66T pulley for my 6x2 steel hubs.

The hubs can be seen here

anybody? please help

3D model up some yourself? These hubs isnt very popular…

I’m quite bad at modeling. Is the hubs bad?

I have no idea If the hubs are good or not, havent tried them myself, so cant speak for their quality.

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14AF8h_PFzBTdH6JRkKynJ70I3WzezC0N mr @mishrasubhransu kindly shared those


@nikoli280 you could also get vex robotics versa pulley and just use a tiny 3D printed adapter. You can find all your options here.

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