My esk8 price evaluation

Maybe you should include how often your batteries were charged and how many km you drove with it. But I also wouldn’t pay over 500€. Maybe even 400€. :slight_smile:


Edited the title a bit and moved it to General Discussion (bc I think it doesn’t fit into the Parts Market category) :slight_smile:

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there should be a letter “e” before “valuation”

its an evaluation of its price :slight_smile:

I would edit it but i havnt got level 3 back yet… somehow :frowning:


I think it’s worth a solid 400$ usd, I just can’t offer that under my circumstance, sorry if I got to you as an asshole

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The bid war was all in good fun I think. I was initially going to state a price that I thought was appropriate but there isnt really enough info. I was hoping by bidding eventually we would work our way up to what people we’re actually willing to pay given the info here.


then don’t start with 1$
that can never come good


Fair enough :joy:


@Filip would you part out or are you only selling as a complete locally

In terms of value it’s probably a bit worse than those xiaomi scooters everywhere, so 400€ seems a good evaluation to me.

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thank you, finally a good reply for my question :slight_smile: I know that my build isn’t great and I’m fine with criticism but most of the people commenting my post act like assholes

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I drove 30km max on it (I don’t really enjoy esk8, it was more about building stuff), I charge batteries once a month, from what I know it’s good for batteries when they aren’t used (same as for motorcycle batteries during a winter)

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I might part out and send things to other countries, depends on shipping cost and of course if there will be buyer for a complete in Poland I will sell it locally (just because it will be more profitable for me)

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If it’s any consolation, my bid was not meant to be asshole like. Many people on this forum have been very helpful and I aim to be the same where I can.

I was thinking a fair price would be between 5-600 USD but I am not an expert


Yup! Between 5$ and 600$ seems accurate to me シ

you spelled havent without an e bro…


Lul I’ve been got