Need help connecting to my foc box

and you have same issue on both of them?

yes i have the same problem on both, wich is weird because i installed the firmware maybe two month ago and back then it worked fine.

And I worked afterwards as well. So I know for a fact that the firmware installed correctly. I just didn’t have all my parts, so I didn’t finish me setup

jap that´s strange, you used

7x different cables

different pc´s

have all drivers

no red LEDs

USB port is clean

and same issue on different focboxes.

Do you remember you shorted something on the usb port maybe during that time?

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i remember somthing about there being a “charge only” cable and a “communication” cable when talking about micro USB. maybe it’s that?

im not sure about drivers but i have been looking through everything i can find, i have tried 7 different cables 3 different computers, tried different usb ports on the computers, i have tried lokking for dirt in the ports. 99 % sure i didnt short anything.

I really appreciate all the help and ideas :slight_smile: