Not Charging. Let me know what I'm doing wrong

Thanks a lot, I’ll tear this one apart and try to make a better one, add fish paper, use thicker nickel straps. What do you suggest I do to add better vibration protection?

Fish paper works parity good. end of the day e sk8 vibrations are huge nothing is fool proof.

The black parts are the result of the battery shorting out and arcing and lucky it’s not been on fire

Off the top of my head 0.15 by 10mm Nickle strips good for about 7 amp. 4p q30 good for about 80 amp. ccmcmcmcm

I’d recommend reading up on battery builds plenty advise over the forum on it. Also need s good clean flat surface to get good spot welds.

ok i’ll look into it

That’s a short circuit right there. That might have killed one of your parallel pack. Does the shown negative terminal belong to the 3rd cell group?

Lucky that you didn’t get a fire from this.


Nope, not a short circuit, perfectly good shrink and batteries thats not a short circuit…