Painted my helmet, but screwed up... Should I toss it?

I used Rustoleum Flexidip to paint my helmet black, because they did not have the one in stock in my size.

Everything seemed to be going well, until after when I realized my dumb ass didn’t cover the top vents from the outside, but from the inside, and some of the foam is exposed at the top.

I’ve read that solvents (& petroleum in particular) basically eat away at any foam and lowers the integrity of an EPS foam helmet. Now I can’t tell if it ate away at the foam, all I see is some of it got sprayed with the black rubber.

There’s no way for me to know if it’s still safe, but if you were me, would you toss this $150 into the garbage?



IMG_20180624_151642 2 of these vents

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Nah, looks fine, I would just spend some quality time with those vents and an exacto knife and some needles.

And hope I remember to tape it off next time :wink:


Agreed.I think you’ll be fine.


Cutem out :grin:

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