Problem with my bestech 10s BMS

Same damn thing…:frowning:

Only way to turn the vesc’s on is if i connect my charger, and disconnect it again, then the VESC stays on, until i turn off the e switch

Or if i turn on the e switch, pull the loop key (in line between P- and the vescs) and put the loopkey back in, that makes the well knowen spark , and that turns on my vescs , and they stay on, until i turn off the E-switch

I have a bat. meter display. If i disconnect My two focboxes, so the bat. meter is the only thing connected to the P- and plus, i can turn on and off without any Problems via the E-switch. The moment i connect my two focboxes, i can’t turn on and off anymore

Is the problem solved? I have the same issue

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