PSA: Do not buy Evolve 97mm wheels

For those located in the EU; I got mine from here and they still have them in stock. 127.59 € + shipping

just buy the evolve pulleys :confused: Dam shame they didn’t fix this issue. :frowning:

They’re 32/38T and you have to chop off more of your trucks

doesn’t matter if they can’t get the duro right. Holding out for the carvon blue abec 11’s !

How about abec 11 Metroboard? Has anyone try?

Somewhat ironically, many 97mm Flywheels in 75a were hand delivered to Evolve USA in Carlsbad California by yours truly last week …

I’m picking up some production 107mm SuperFly’s tomorrow and they’re almost all spoken for ;-(


I love my metroboard cobranded abec 11!

I hope I’m not overstepping any boundaries here but if y’all like genuine made in the USA 97mm Abec 11 Flywheels, like the color Black, like the awesome Reflex Formula urethane in 77a, you may want to give Metroboard ( a call in a day or two. I’m just sayin’ …


May I get in line for the 107mm SuperFlys as well?

I’m willing to pay 100 bucks shipping included for that kind of wheels, metroboard has them for a higher price. Evolve has the regular 97mm for less

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black 97mm 55mm contact patch in flywheel hub style == instant buy

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@Eboosted @ChrisChaput thanks will check’em

Why would you want a narrower contact patch? Less drag? O was under the impression that people like wider contact patches for best grip.

My shaved MBS wheels have a pretty wide contact patch, they are grippier than my 97mm flywheels, I love them

That is a wider contact patch compared to the 44mm of ABEC flywheels. I’ve ate it losing traction on a sharp turn, so I would definitely appreciate a wider contact patch.

Have you tried shaved MBS 100mm wheels? Those have a crazy ammount of traction.

I don’t have a lathe :confused: how’s the ride? I’m spoiled by ABEC 75A’s.

I have the 97mm abecs 11 75A, the 97mm cobranded Metroboard and the 100mm unstoppable shaved MBS, between all the MBS are the grippiest, the ABEC 11 the softests but not as much

I have two sets of the Evolve 97s for sale.

(As well as Psychotiller’s pneumatics)

I’d just contact Evolve for a refund. I’d doubt anyone in this thread would be interested


Much better :wink: