Push to start switch [OUT NOW!]

Can just pick up your powered wheels and go full brake, then full throttle, set it back down, good to go :wink:

No power cycle required

The sweet spot would be 5-10 mins, more is kinda useless

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Why do you want auto off? I don’t really understand the use of it. I’ve accidentally left my board on overnight more than once and never find that it drains much power. A few posts in the thread here say it consumes about 20-25mA when just idle https://vesc-project.com/node/222 the arm processors are generally designed to be low power consumption so as long as the control signal is idle the board shouldn’t be using any significant power.

Pretty sure my lights consume more power but they have their own battery in my case, guess it would be useful for turning off extra electronics outside the vesc.

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Depending on the size of your battery you may be in trouble if you have your discharged board on over night you may drop the voltage too low even though the board consumes 20mA or so. The discharge curve under 3V per cell is pretty steep

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Was this tested with a Bluetooth module attached and connected?

I believe (could be wrong) Inboard users would run into an issue where their board would be dead - near dead the next morning bye to the board always searching for a connection

Plus the last thing I want Is to accidentally leave my board on all night , grab my remote and have a whole on the wall cause I forgot to turn it off.


Okay I guess I can understand that, I typically will at least partially recharge if I know my batteries are really low when I get home but I also have high cut offs so things aren’t likely to go over the cliff. In that case though can easily have the cut off at like 30m-1h and have it never be an issue while someone is riding.


Some sort of audible signal would be good too, I’m not entirely sure the complexity added with a piezo speaker but would be nice if it gave some sort of alert before auto shut off. Alternatively could have a mode for alarm only vs alarm and auto shutoff. Maybe use dip switches for configuration since getting the pot position correct and to stay stable might be an issue.

The alarm would be nice in case something disconnects on the sense cables or that logic otherwise fails and at least let’s you know it’s about to cut out.


Yeah good point, but it would still suck

BTW, happy 4th guys!


I understand my opinion is not incredibly educated and probably not the voice of reason but i think a good 5 minutes after having it not move it should turn off. 1. you almost never spend 5min at a traffic light. 2. in my experience i’ve never waited while actively riding for more than 3ish minutes. Also maybe allow people who the what tf their doing with programming to easily change that time.

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Lol, you haven’t been in London I guess… There is some red lights for 10min like…


I had assumed my opinion would be faulty at some point. Thats why I tried to cover my ass by saying people should be able to change it :wink:


I left my evo plugged in for two weeks… lost 1volt. Rode 37 miles… I don’t see a need for auto off either but… To each their own…


I don’t think that an opinion can be faulty… Everyone has their own…

Yeah good point, I was thinking since there is a lot of different things that people want I may do it all in “arduino” code. Like upload the bootloader and let people reprogram it easily with something like an arduino uno with arduino IDE or any USB to uart converter. So it would be fairly easily customisable.

There will be some setting that can be changed with hardware like I said, but if someone wants to make some bigger changes you will be able to.


If it’s 1hr and let’s say 25ma then it’s 25mah of power drained with a 5000mAh battery it’s negligible savings huge amount of the power consumption is when accelerating or hill climbing. The area under an amperage curve/graph basically tells you the power consumption higher draw over more time is more power consumed (that times voltage if you really want wattage but can proportionally compare the area under the amperage over time to see power consumed).

Just not worth an accidental cut off for the savings benefit, I can see it for safety of not leaving the board on overnight in case it’s already close to discharged or for cutting power to peripheral devices like lights or Bluetooth modules or other displays.


I would love auto power off… where i live we dont have massive traffic at all. So given the option to choose, is pretty darn cool of you @Martinsp

Btw. received your “old” antispark yesterday… nice made :slight_smile:


To summerize it:

  • Most of the people would love to get a push-to-turn-on-switch
  • We need a programmble auto-turn-off switch, including a hardware switch

I fully agree with @TarzanHBK.

@Martinsp what you think will be the max current the switch will be able to handle?

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The push to start/turn on will be for both versions. Then there will be user choose-able mode with pushbutton to turn off or auto turn off which will be hardware variable from 5minutes to 45minutes

I will probably go for 100 amps fuse limited since the 100 amps fuses are in most cases not hard to get locally in case the original one blows. Alternatively you could bypass the fuse and go around 150A for a few seconds with 200 peak but that will have to be tested, after the testing I will be able to give you exact numbers. But the above is what I am aiming for.


Hello, so after a quick redesign to implement the features we discussed, here is a 3D render before I have images of the actual switch to show you. brd

There are a couple of components missing and wires of course but this will do for now.

So the way it will work is, there are 3 pads at the bottom to the left of “with BTN” text. The center pad can be shorted with either one of the side ones. As you may guess, the pad on the right, next to the “with BTN” will enable the mode where the switch will turn on with a push and turn off only when pressing a momentary pushbutton that can be connected to the molex connector on the left side of the PCB. There can be an LED/backlit button connected too just like regular switches. Shorting the center one with the one on the other side will enable the auto turn off feature. The time after which the switch will turn off can be set with the small trimmer potentiometer to the right of the “with BTN” text. All of these settings will be user settable so you can try either one and see what you like.

For both versions, there will have to be motor phase wires connected (just thin ones for sensing to make it simpler to solder, will be included) in order for the switch to work, and to be able to turn the system completely OFF. I will do a detailed explanation and how-to once I have the finished product in my hands.


I have a question regarding the potentiometer. Is it possible that the settings can be changed by vibrations of the board? I mean for example I set to auto off after 20min, during my ride the poti becomes lose and change to the minimum value.

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