Random Crap Thread

Don’t you like train horns on esk8? You got me there bud. Shit this guys had a bad day :flushed: Remind me never to upset you because you have a very graphic imagination. :grin:


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A whole category seems like a bit much - let’s designate this thread as the random place



10 char


Can we ban diyeboard?

Or at least have a psa about their dodgy dealings

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Why man? They were only doing what any respectable chinese company does. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: That was bad form hey?

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wtf is this?

Quick google search brought up the oldest brewery in the US

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900mhz dynamic power encrypted bidirectional low latency on a dipole? Ok I’ll take 2… 20180902_175900

Two words…

Radrod Eskates…

Oh yeah google. didn’t think of that. still one of our oldest breweries sounds like a polite way of swearing xxxx off mate ay. @J0ker3366 tarts is harsh man we’re all for a bit of random crap. Good to have a thread where there is absolutely no danger of hijacking anyone. I vote we move any stupid sales pitch posts in here and have some fun.

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What’s your beer of choice?

Teds atm but if I want to get blind then coopers red

More of a Furphy man myself, but mainly because it was born in my hometown. Just realised you guys in QLD got Furphy only a couple months ago

I shall give it a go. I do like something with a bit of flavour. @squishy654 Looks like it would interfere with pilots navigation systems.

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Supernova flux capacitor dilithium thingamawhat?


:point_up: what he said

I’m totally going to get some fresh tarts now. Bakery three block away. They better have lemon.


big fan of tarts…lemon human or otherwise

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Now I want donuts. Voodoo donuts to be exact… Ugh its so far though. Oh wait! Its 2018 and we have electric mobility. Donuts for the win!!!

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