Really stuck between A/T and Thanes for my next build

They are pricey. About $150 a set. If someone can make some cheaper im down to buy them.

I couldn’t really justify that amount of money for a deck additional anyways. More expensive than both the wheels and the deck nearly. At that price, I’d just have a custom board and enclosure made

Welcome to try them @RedBaron image

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Thanks! I might take you up on that soon. Still gathering parts.

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No problem, just let me know when you finish gathering parts

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I hear @257 makes them by hand.


How does the efficiency of airless 6x2 compare to something like 90mm thane?

And here in lies the problem! I have both for my hummie and find myself whacking the pneumatics on more than thane now. I love the look and range of my 107s/110s but those bergs are like riding on a cloud.

I want my board to run skate wheels but it’s just not happening.


I like your style :rofl::rofl::+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3:


If the roads were smooth I’d go thane all the way… around here though many of the the roads are unrideable on thane but just fine on my cheap ass 6x2’s.


…which are 74a duro. Smthng overloked by almost anyone. Those 75mm wide greens (62 CP) are bounnnncyyy!

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