Ride riptide R1 elite/full makeover

Seems like this has been one thing after the other and is showing that the riptide is not able handle a long life span


*Trucks/mounts=snapped (replace with surfrodz & mounts from tiller) *Esc=??? (Replacing with focbox) *Battery=not holding charge (gonna order a 10s from @psychotiller) *Deck = isnt bad (wanna deck swap with a moonshine) *Wheels= abec (probably the best part) *Motors = holding up so far. Ill push them till they blow then Replace with maytechs from @psychotiller

Yeah it seems like the wheels are the best part and that is why did do that so you feel like you are getting a top quality board. Its the old lipstick on a pig saying. If you ever want to upgrade the deck let me know and maybe we can come up with a custom deck for the make over. Replacing the esc with some focboxes is a good idea or you could do the dual from flipsky @mmaner just did a review of it.


Wow. You’re learning a lot about eboards! How did the ride change from the 90mm to 97mm wheels change? More cushy and smooth? More top speed, but less acceleration?

Hope you figure out the connection issue soon!

Thanks, Doug

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My acceleration definitely went down. But new top speed is nice. I went from the green formula 90mm abec to the black 97mm. My roads are fairly rough and both the greem and black felt great. I do notice a difference on carving grip with the black ones on nice roads. Black abecs seem better for decent roads. Green slightly better on the rough stuff. Both are great. I couldn’t recommend one over the other honestly.

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Big changes coming to this board. 12s2p battery, dual maytech vesc, dual maytech 6355 sealed motors, riptide tunnel risers. And also a new deck a few weeks after that


If you change out every single part is it still the same old board or a new one? :thinking::thinking::joy:


Yeah the deck is the only original part now lol. And ill be replacing it after i finish some things to its replacement.

I’ll use the motors enclosure battery and esc on a different deck for emergencies or guest.

The original riptide deck will go to @Sender to experiment on and resell.


What deck you thinking of going with? Love the handles of the riptide

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I have a 33 muirskate deck that will get the tkp trucks and 97mm abec 11s. I also plan to take the battery , esc, enclosure, and motors along with some caliber trucks i have and putting it all on a jet spud.

The riptide deck will probably be going to @Sender when im done for restoration and a skin job. It will be up for sale after that. If you wanna call dibs and pick out the design let me know and we can hit him up. Im sure he’ll get you sorted @joeadams101

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Update https://forum./t/diyeboard-kit-pre-build-rebuild/4674?u=skunk

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Reviving this old thread, the last link goes nowhere. I too have an R1E that I’m looking to upgrade. I got the 6s4p battery pack from the R1X last year for the extended range (getting 10-12 miles out of it), but I’m pretty unhappy with the quality of the remaining items (slipping belt from shitty pulley).

The only thing I like is the deck, 90mm ABEC11s and Shredlights. So if I can re-use those in my new build it would be great. Thinking I need to go with a 10s3p at least (Samsung 30q) if only I can make it fit under this deck. I’ll be happy with a range of 15 miles. What do you think of the buildkitboard dual parts on this? https://buildkitboards.com/products/kit Minus wheels and deck? I imagine that enclosure won’t fit here given the cutouts for the handles…

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That’s because the `` part has been censored out by some butt hurt folks running this forum. correct link is https://forum./t/how-to-fix-upgrade-your-riptide-r1-diyeboard-kit-pre-build/4674

Definitely can do that.

Feel free to message me on E s k 8 .n e w s.

What I’d do. (Am doing)

6355 motors unsealed. Maytech, Bkb ( @JLab ) or @torqueboards

Caliber trucks

Enertion caliber mounts or @torqueboards short 63xx or 50xx mounts

I’m using @dickyho 40t bolt on pulleys or @marcmt88 40t bolt on pulleys ( @torqueboards makes good pulleys to, I’m just using what I got )

As far as esc goes, flipsky, maytech and tb all make some affordable units but im using maker mini foc escs.

The enclosure will be the hardest part. Will probably have to lose handle function