Samsung 10s3p 30Q battery | NEW

Oh guys :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy: only because they are redā€‹:joy:


as min wear one red one black that they fit to the power leads on the batteryā€¦ :roll_eyes::rofl:


Who wears crocs? Fucking hell.

You need to take a look at your life young man.

Edit: This is a very well made battery at a great price, whatā€™s going on here?!


Thanks manā€‹:face_with_hand_over_mouth::wink: I usually use normal sport shoes, but sometimes also crocsšŸ˜‚ Itā€™s so strange that we discus about crocs hereā€‹:joy::wave:


Itā€™s in the used parts section I think, maybe edit and move to the new section if truly new & unused?

Not sure if you used it once or twice to measure range or if the range is just estimated.

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Yeah, itā€™s really new! I just measured if the Volts are correct ect. But i didnā€™t use it.

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I moved it to the new items for sale section

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Thank you :hugs:

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What are the dimensions of the battery pack? It looks small enough to fit in place of my 12s2p battery with spacers, so I might buy it from you in a month or whenever I get money :upside_down_face: No promises tho

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Hey. You can have it, if it isnā€™t sold till the next month. :wink:

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I think: 200ā‚¬ is a good price for 10s3p. For all parts i had to pay: 100ā‚¬ for the cells, 80ā‚¬ for the bms, and about 20ā‚¬ for wires connectors, nickel strips and the heat shrinking. (and maybe 20ā‚¬ shipping for all the parts). I just wanted to calculate this for you guys, because I donā€™t wanna have that feeling that anyone thinks that the battery is to expensive.

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Nah mate, others have already chimed in that this is a very good price for such a battery. Just need to wait, because lowering the price will just end up with someone buying it and selling it again at a higher price lol


Would buy if was in the US for sure :slight_smile: glws

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Oh man, thanks for your opinion :metal: I didnā€™t think about that when I was lowering the pricešŸ˜‰ Greetings

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Screw it, Iā€™m taking it, Iā€™m in the Netherlands. Letā€™s make this happen.


Its sold! @Steven1 just bought itšŸ¤˜ Thanks to steven!

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