"Session Error" Movie + Q&A Panel Now Live

The movie was great!!

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Really great! You have an amazing community up there in Ann Arbor too. I’m jealous!

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For those just seeing this.

Film here.


Film starts at 50 minutes into the live stream, and Q&A session after film is great as well.

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Hey Guys,

Here’s some new links for convenience sake - full resolution movie here:


And full Q&A panel:


For those who want to see exactly what can happen when you ride without a helmet, forward to 8:03.

The Q&A video will take awhile to process but should be up sometime tomorrow. Just want to thank all you guys on here and watching on the YouTube live stream. I know many of us have never met in person but yet I feel connected to ya’ll through your online personalities, social posts and personal DIY builds. I know there’s plenty of lively debates and occasional ego clashing but I think what transcends all of that is the fact that none of us ever want to see anyone get hurt in ESK8. As you can tell, it’s changed me in many ways. Looking out for each other and keeping each other safe just takes common sense and intuition. We have the power to influence our culture and how ESK8 will be perceived in the mainstream and for the next generation. Let’s not let a bunch of sales directors do that for us.

Where those v2 carvons with a space cell that robbie was riding during the crash?

Basically after the accident, it was really hard for me to look at that build, let alone ride it. Right before Maker Faire I had @LEVer convert them into two singles and I put one on my vintage double kick build and the other back on my Jet Spud. Not many of us are big dudes except for @Jeff who has the most powerful dual build. But the single hubs are fine for our meetups and simple commuting since most of Michigan is mostly flat.

Great video, Rik! I’m sure this video will make a lot of riders think twice before riding without proper gear. It really shook my perspective on safety and how dangerous esk8ing really is.

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Yup hopefully new riders/builders will have a good takeway to respect the machine and know its limits and their own. “With great power comes great responsibility” - Uncle Ben

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Well done!

Being a life long skater and having had my share of injuries, it really hit home. Never had a traumatic injury like that, but been close many times. I didn’t skate with a helmet until just after I started Esk8ing and thankfully I did. My head hit pavement a few months later. A couple years later I still have shoulder pain as constant reminder of how much worse that accident could have been. Thanks to a helmet I walked away from it to spend another day with my wife and kids like it was just another day of skating.

This video is important for our community. I’m sure it will make the difference between at least one of us being here and not being here.

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Rik, thanks for sharing your work with us. It was very moving. I have left my helmet home far too many times, so this really hit home. I feel like there are a lot of us that will now get serious about safety gear when we may not have before. Thanks for being one of the many people that make this forum what it is.

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Thanks so much. This will save lives. Any helmet wearing resistance from mates wanting to ride my board will now be futile.

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The scary thing about this is that it has happen on this soft cotton. You would think that there cannot happen much but it can always go something wrong…


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Very important film, every E-Board Ambassador, Casey-like or random PR-Rider should wear a helmet

Unfortunately the video is blocked in germany and we need some proxy to watch, so not that much people will see it here.

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@RunPlayBack . Very important movie. Thanks for sharing. Change will come, but slowly I think. As for CN he has hes own risk rating and seems very careless. I seriously doubt he would ever convert to a helmet as it gets away from his brand image. Even if he saw your video I dont think he would change. What gets me is he has a daughter and should set a good example albet shes only like 2 and wouldnt know the difference.

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@E-Boarding @Dedbny yup I agree, it will take awhile for safety awareness to be ingrained in the culture of ESK8 and as I mentioned in the Q&A, it will take a high profile celebrity to get seriously hurt or killed to get any major media coverage on the topic. CN is an amazing entertainer/filmmaker but I still feel like the responsibility lies in Boosted’s hands if they want him to wear a helmet. Where are the Boosted helmets in his unboxing videos? The companies and creators need to do more to get their influencers to ride responsibly because they are the ones the kids are emulating. At this point we have to look out for each other because most of these companies don’t want to discuss the reality of risk. I even wonder if any of the vendors will chime on this thread or is this not a strong enough issue to discuss?

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I agree, any company that sells a complete board needs to include a helmet.

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I tagged casey on twitter, maybe if a few of us do the same, he’ll see it and maybe share the video too. That would be great for safety advocacy.


Casey is a horrible influence when it comes to safety. He’s an adult and probably have a knowledge of how to take a fall, but a lot of his fans are teenagers who are getting those awful MelonBoard and LectricLongboards and going 18+mph with no helmet then applying that abrupt brake. Many of whom say “I have never been on a skateboard before”